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来源:低碳世界 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-05-12







And I used humor, which can help break barriers. I showed police riding bicycles. This is Chinese police riding bicycles to promote a healthy lifestyle. And I said, “It would be hard for bicycle cops to catch criminals in cars, so the criminals also ride bikes to give the cops a fair chance.”And I used images foreigners could understand—such as the Taoist Yinyang symbol. Foreigners know that it implies balance, so I showed how even the ancients emphasize balance between Man and Nature, and modern China tries to emphasize balance between growing and greening. It was very visual.I also told them that one ancient city. This ancient city was famous for miniature landscapes, and then I showed them how the modern city also balances manmade and nature, buildings and parks and roads, like a giant miniature landscape.

All but one of my presentations won the gold, and 3 cities got double gold. A European judge said, “We had no idea China had cities like this. Your city was not only number one but far better than number two!” A Canadian mayor said, “We need to teach Canadian citizens to work together like Chinese do.” A European leader said, “We can learn from how Chinese cities creatively solve the same problems we face.”

I sold my China story—and they bought it because my story was personal and I told it from perspectives they could understand. And it may have also helped that, unlike the presenters from the dozens of other cities, I was not a professional. I was simply sharing my own home, and I believed wholeheartedly in what I was selling.

During my decades in China, Chinese have come to know the world but the world still does not know China. But as my grandfather used to say, “We can either get bitter or better.”

Let’s get better, and sell China’s story as if our very life depends upon it—because our very life does depend upon it. All people are dreamers. We dream of peace and prosperity for our family and descendants. So my dream is that the China Dream can become the world’s dream!

But the greatest threat to this dream is fear bred by ignorance between nations. Let’s help dispel that ignorance by not just telling China’s story but selling China’s story.

For as Robert Louis Stevenson also wrote (“Lay Morals”, published in 1911), “All speech, written or spoken, is a dead language, until it finds a willing and prepared hearer.”

Our China story, regardless of what language we use, or how well we use it, is dead unless our hearers are willing and prepared to hear it—and it is our job to prepare them.

文章来源:《低碳世界》 网址: http://www.dtsjzzs.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0512/1174.html


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